Sarah Novak da Costa
E-mail: sarah.costa@monarchtaxes.com
Landline phone: 484-206-8858
Sarah has been preparing tax returns since 2004 and has managed a tax practice for more than 10 years.
Sarah uses her unique talents, her love of learning and creativity to go beyond traditional tax preparation. Her extensive knowledge and experience help her to work with clients to plan for the future and to take a tax savvy approach to financial matters.
Through her work over the years Sarah has empowered her clients to maintain control of their financial future by planning, documenting, and implementing tax savings strategies.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9578, Ogden, UT 84409
Phone: (484) 206-8858
Fax: (484) 206-8858
Email: ricardo.costa@monarchtaxes.com